Answer Key - Sample Test -III***21 c 22 b 23 d 24 a 25 d 26 a 27 a 28 b 29 c 30 a
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Beautiful Flowers at my work - Photo by M. S. Khan
Since times immemorial people are using honey for various purposes it has also become a sort of traditional medicine. It is also used in Ayurvedic and Unani preparations. Everyone is aware of the benefits of honey, its myriad varieties and a number of health benefits. It is also pleasant and sweet to taste and easily available. Some honey has a very good aroma and it is also used as a replacement for sugar. It is said that the percentage of sugar gets reduced if you replace it with normal sugar. It has helped many in clearing soreness of throat, constipation, dehydration, weight loss i.e., weight reduction. Many singers have commended the benefit of honey for helping them in singing.
So much has been written about Honey. Researchers are turning up more and more new evidence of honey's medical benefits in many areas. Honey is said to contain incredible antiseptic, antioxidant and cleansing properties for our body and health, hot beauty and skin care tips for ladies, and amazing healing properties as a head-to-toe remedy, from eye conjunctivitis to athlete foot. Its has powerful healing attributes and known to promote healing for cuts, cure ailments and diseases, and correct health disorders. Honey not only fights infection and aids tissue healing but also helps reduce inflammation and scarring. In addition, it is often used for treating digestive problems such as diarrhea, indigestion, stomach ulcers and gastroenteritis.
Some Experiences with Honey has been as follows,
Benefits Lemon and Honey – The combination of lemon and honey was used but it did not reduce my weight but was helpful in maintaining my weight and health.
Benefits Vinegar and Honey – In-order to reduce weight I tried vinegar and honey formula but was not successful and had to discontinue.
Benefits Honey and Cinnamon – This formula of honey and cinnamon was good and helped me in maintaining my weight but did not help in reducing the weight. However this is a good remedy for certain coughs and cold symptoms.
Benefits Honey and Milk - This is a good combination and benefits in the bowel movements and reducing acidity.
Benefits of Honey and Apple- This is supposed to reduce weight but in my experience it did not help me in reducing my weight.
Benefits of Honey as a hibernation diet – This did not help me in my fight with the bulge.
There are various studies which suggest that a combination of other herbs with honey cures arthritis, Flu etc. but one should be cautious while using any of the combination. Sometimes a person may have problem with using honey alone or with other combinations and there are certain disadvantages to certain people.
Nowadays it is difficult to get pure honey and it is better to get full information before getting into any regimen. For some honey may be beneficial and there are also certain disadvantages in honey. However it is useful when combined with milk or cinnamon or black pepper. Especially for allergies and cough due to cold or dry cough. Honey is a good food and can also be considered as a super food. But it has it's own limitation. It is not a magic cure or a magic formula. It should be used with right precautions.
Key words - Benefits lemon and honey, Benefits of honey and apple, Benefits honey and cinnamon, Benefits honey and milk, Benefits of honey and apple, Benefits of honey as a hibernation diet, Benefits of honey, Amazing benefits of honey, Astonishing benefits of honey, Miraculous benefits of honey.
Benefits of honey with lemon
ReplyDeleteI had used the mixture of honey with lemon and found there are some benefits indeed. To some extent it helped me in controlling my weight.
Zahid for Benefit of honey and lemon
Are there any benefits of honey as a hibernation diet. I have heard a lot about using honey as a hibernation diet. There are also ayurvedic remedies linked to taking honey in the night and benefiting out of it.
ReplyDeleteNo doubt there are numerous benefits of honey, but a diabetic or an obese person should take usual care as honey is sweet and has calories into it.
ReplyDeleteHoney is useful and has its own well known benefits. But one has to be fully aware real benefits of honey. Certain precautions are needed by persons with certain conditions. They should be careful in consuming large quantities of honey.
ReplyDeleteThere are more benefits of honey. Honey and milk is very nourishing and also provides general health benefits. There are also benefit if proper diet is followed some people have reduced their weight on consuming lemon and honey mixture.
ReplyDeleteThere are many sites promoting the benefits of honey, but is it really true that honey provides benefits to the health of an individual and how to find the difference between real honey and artificial honey. If we are consuming artificial honey then there may not be any benefits accruing from consuming such honey.
ReplyDeleteI have used hot water with honey for reducing my weight. I can at-least confirm that there is really one of the benefits of honey and it is for weight reduction.
ReplyDeleteSo much has been written about Honey and its benefits, but I feel that there are very little benefits of honey. It may be a good anti-oxidant but does not posses the miraculous or astonishing benefits as usually is claimed.
ReplyDeleteI have personal experience of having seen the benefits of honey and cinnamon on joint pains.
ReplyDeleteTo understand the full benefits of Honey and other ingredients visit my website the real benefits of Honey.
ReplyDeleteHoney is a moisturizer and also helps in healing wounds. Many people have found the benefit of honey by applying it on the wounds.
ReplyDeleteYou can also get the benefit of honey if you replace sugar with honey. The calories in honey are less then the calories in sugar
ReplyDeleteVisit the following website for benefits of honey
It seems most of the sites are exaggerating the benefits of honey. That does not mean that honey does not have good effect on our health.