"When truth is hurled against falsehood, falsehood perishes, for falsehood by its nature is bound to perish". Ch. 21, V.18, Holy Quran.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Corporate Governance

The current failure of multinational companies in-spite of their capability to hire the best talent, train them and provide them with the unbelievable pay packages should make us open our eyes. The corporate governance lacking moral values is going to be defeated. Today we find dishonest acts of the management as the practices of management principles. This will lead to the decaying of the organizations. It is very much important that moral values are inculcated among the staff as well as the top management. The pay scales should be reasonable and based on performance, all management courses and trainings should have an element of moral sciences in-order to make sure that the people working for the organization make it really useful to the entire stakeholders.